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The Get Hep Swing Story

Classes Offered


Goals and Objective


The Get Hep Swing Story

GET HEP! - 30’s slang ‘to be in the know about something…’

SWING - it’s more than a dance; it’s more than an era; it’s a way of life, bonding through the appreciation of the music, attire, dance, and social scene (official definition according to Marty & Valerie)

Valerie began her dancing 8 years ago in Los Angeles, devoting full time work to swing dancing in 1998.

Marty began swing dancing in 2000 in Detroit/Windsor.

Together they have decided to tackle this social swing scene full force by forming GET HEP SWING!

They have taken classes and privates with the top instructors and continue to learn from the best.  Notably, Valerie was one of the few people that had the opportunity to work with Maxie Dorf extensively to learn the BALBOA.

Marty & Valerie specialize in ALL form of Swing dances, but especially Balboa, Shag, and Lindy.  They can cover anything from Jazz Movement to Blues (see the list of classes below).

Marty & Valerie teach, perform and compete on a national level..

We want everyone ‘to be in the know’ by helping to recreate the social culture of Swing. Whether it’s presenting the history of the Swing Era to schools, teaching classes, performing, sponsoring workshops and dances, or just out dancing; ‘Get Hep Swing’ will be promoting and contributing to YOUR swing scene - this is too much fun to let it pass as just another trendy fad, and we hope that with your help, SWING is here to stay. 


Marty & Valerie

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Classes Offered

GET HEP SWING, Ltd is strictly a SWING dance company specializing in the swing dances popular from the 20's to the 50's.  The following classes/workshops are available:  (all classes listed can be taught at the beginner level to advanced)

Please see LESSONS for the current classes and workshops being offered.

5 week sessions are offered for the following classes at various locations:

6 COUNT JITTERBUG - offered every session!
This is the class to get you started.  Basic footwork, hep moves, and lead follow skills are taught.  A six-count dance that evolved from the Lindy Hop into its own dance during the 40's.  This is the style that is perhaps the most well known the world over.

SAVOY STYLE LINDY HOP - offered every session!
This is the grandfather of all swing dances.  Originating in the Savoy Ballroom in Harlem, NY, this dance really swings, allowing you to add your own personality to the dance.

SWING III - offered in 2002 in sessions 1, 3, and 5
A special mix of 6-count and 8-count patterns combining the fundamentals of connection and counter balance used for all forms of dance.  Smooth style Lindy and other dance forms will be fused with other movements.  Focus on this class will be body awareness for both lead and follow as well as cool new footwork variations.

BLUES - offered in 2002 in sessions 1, 3, and 5
Learn to dance to slower tempos of jazz and related music.  Classes will focus on connection, footwork, and musicality.

BALBOA / BAL-SWING - offered in 2002 in sessions 2, 4, and 6
A smooth eight count dance done in a tightly closed position with subtle and intricate footwork.  This dance originated in Southern California.  We teach the Maxie Dorf style of Balboa.  Maxie was responsible for the creation of Bal-Swing - a combination of basic Balboa and fancy moves sending your partner out and around!

TANDEM (or IN LINE or BACK) CHARLESTON - offered week 3 of every 5-week class
The Charleston in the 30's and 40's became more linear with new variations and moves added.  8 count patterns with the trademark Charleston kicks can be learned by anyone at any level.

SMOOTH STYLE LINDY - offered in specialty workshops and in SWING III
Dean Collins learned Lindy at the Savoy ballroom and brought his own style to the Hollywood screens in the 30's and 40's.  Sometimes known as Hollywood or Dean Collins style, this Lindy variation is a must for you movie buffs!  Traditionally the dance moves on a slot and combines six and eight count rhythms using triple steps.  There are many footwork patterns or breakaways you can incorporate as well.

Periodic workshops are offered for the following usually at the Get Hep Swing studio:


The Charleston was all the rage in the 20's and there are hundreds of steps to learn.  Swing evolved directly from the Charleston, and much of its influence can still be seen today in the Lindy Hop.  We put our favorite steps together and teach individuals the routines.  No partner is required for a Charleston routine - just twist and flap to the beat with your fancy feet!

They just had to dance together back then so various partnered steps were created using the basic 20's Charleston twisting footwork.

Similar to side by side Charleston with a few fancy tricks of its own.

While the Lindy Hop was all the rage in New York in the late 20's/early 30's the rest of America was busy dancing the SHAG.  This kicky, aerobic dance will get your heart pumping with various footwork variations that are fast and fancy.  This dance works well with up-tempo swing music. 

Flashy earthbound moves recommended for those that have their swing basics solid.  Partners are required for these classes.

Company Disclaimer:  You should never do an aerial on a crowded dance floor - bad things can happen!  There are aerials that can be performed in a small amount of space safely with your partner.  A nice addition for your swing dancing.  Partners are required.  Recommended for those with a FIRM grasp of the basics.

Company Disclaimer:  NEVER do a big aerial on a crowded dance floor!  These aerials are intended for performances of swing jams.  We have mats and can teach you how to perform these BIG moves safely.  Partners are required - recommended for more advanced dancers.  Private lessons only.  No workshops or classes

This swing line dance was created in 1932 and is done in every swing community.  Learn this routine and join us in the next Shim Sham dance.

Dean Collins added his own special flair to the basic Shim Sham with his tap and smooth Lindy background.  Learn the Tap Shim Sham steps, the Boogie Routine, and Savoy Kicks in this 'way cool' variation..

A swing line dance created in the 80's by Ryan Francois.  Learn the Boogie Forward/Back, Shorty Georgy, Suzy-Q, and Tic Tocs.  Great jazz movements that you can add to your swing dancing.

A silly line dance created in the 50's (check out the movie Hairspray for a variation of the Madison).  Learn the Rifleman, Jacki Gleason, Birdland and more.

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Marty & Valerie



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Goals and Objectives

MISSION:        Recreating the social culture of Swing

OBJECTIVES:    Education on the history of Swing
                                Performance of Swing era dances
                                    Preservation of the dance through education and demonstration


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GET HEP SWING is primarily run by Marty Klempner and Valerie Salstrom.  
We have other instructors that share the same love and passion for the dance.




Marty Klempner

Valerie Salstrom

Jimi Harris

Tina Caruso

John Cover

Rebecca Kelm

Jason Colelli

Liz Winnen

Solomon Douglas

Natalie Schodowski

Instructors CD picks (look for these at Record Revolution on Coventry Rd):

                Jiving Jamboree                    Oscillating Rhythm                        Frankie's Really Swingin'
                Ella Mae Morse                    Andrew Sisters                            Jellyroll
                Will Bradley                          Indigo Swing                               Lavay Smith
                Ernie Krivda                         Wynonie Harris                           Cab Calloway 


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